About us
Façozinc, established in 1988, is a Belgian company specialising roofing materials (pitched roofs, flat roofs and green roofs), metal fabrication, fine sheet metal working, insulation (thermal insulation, internal insulation, roof insulation), gutters and downpipes for professional cladding contractors.
With 180 employees, more than 120,000m2 of infrastructure throughout Wallonia (Brussels, Liège, Namur, Tournai, Mons, Charleroi, Libramont, Marche-en-Famme, Gilly, Strépy, Halluin) and a base outside Belgium (France), Façozinc has the reach of a large scale enterprise with the spirit of a family business.
Managed by shareholders directly involved in the company at an operational level, Façozinc remains close to the ground and focused on serving customers limited only by their imagination.


Carmine Lauriente learned his trade climbing over roofs.
As an installer of cladding and guttering, he soon realised that the business had a serious supply problem. An entrepreneur at heart, but at the same time keen to work efficiently and meticulously, Carmine decided to embark on the fabrication of customised zinc (and copper) components. Façozinc was born.

The sole trader private limited company Façozinc began operations in a small 400 m2 workshop in the former Glaverbel premises in Gilly. Carmine Lauriente worked tirelessly seven days a week. His efforts began to pay off. His idea proved popular. Demand was high, but his response was always the same: “The customer is king. We take on the job and find a way to meet requirements.” Orders increased and very soon Façozinc began to feel constrained by its size.

Carmine Lauriente suggested to his brother – Vittorio Lauriente, an electrical engineer with chez Glaverbel – and his brother-in-law, Carlo Marcovecchio that they join the family firm.
Their arrival would bring new momentum and Façozinc would continue to grow based on its guiding principles: speed of performance, customised service, availability and flexibility.

Business increased and Façozinc moved into new 5,500 m2 premises, the cornerstone of today’s Gilly site. The range of products stocked diversified in response to growing demand from customers. In addition to copper and zinc, other materials were introduced, enabling a comprehensive range to be supplied. Façozinc developed a “one-stop” concept in order to be able to offer services and materials to roofing professionals at all stages in a project.

Cléonice Mastrostefano, niece of Carmine and Vittorio Lauriente, joined the team.
Based on her experience with KPMG, she organised the company and put it on a sound administrative and financial footing. During her university placement, she drew up the business plan (articles of association and financial plan) for the sole-trader private limited company Façozinc.

Keen to get ever closer to its customers, Façozinc opened its first two stores in Strépy-Bracquegnies (Hainaut) and Grâce-Hollogne (Liège). The company continued to expand and it became essential for the family team to widen their skills base and bring in people from outside the family.

Façozinc opened a new site at Marloie (near Marche-en-Famenne). Its product range grew. The company spread across Wallonia with new centres in Tournai and Namur. The first crane lorries arrived, enabling deliveries direct to the construction site.

Façozinc continued to expand and opened its 7th store in Libramont. It now had over 120,000 m2 of floor space in Wallonia.

The family team set up an independent division specialising in the distribution of building materials in general under the name FaçoPro. Its focus? The distribution of aerated concrete, insulation products and hollow-core slabs. This division has its own engineering office which studies the use of these materials.

The Drogenbos site was opened, giving Façozinc a new base close to the Belgian capital.

FaçoPro added a concrete mixing plant. It then had a fleet of concrete mixers enabling delivery to the construction site. The combination of the activities of Façozinc on the one hand and those of FaçoPro on the other made it possible to offer trade customers a range of products extending from the foundations to the roof. Also in 2016, Façozinc moved abroad, opening its first store in Dijon, France.

Façozinc continued to expand in the north of France with a new store in Halluin, near Lille.

On the 30th anniversary of its foundation, Façozinc opened its site in Mons. The high visibility of its location led to it becoming the group’s shop window. In its consultancy role in support of its roofing industry customers, Façozinc decided to set up its training centre there. The architecture and ergonomics of this new site signalled the start of a new era. The site was designed by Nathalie Abrassart from architects StArTech in Mons.

Façozinc continued its expansion policy with the opening of a new site in 2021. The redesign of the website and creation of a mobile app (My Faço) saw the group begin its digital transformation.
Key figures
emplois directs et indirects
centres de façonnage sur mesure
poids lourds, dont 16 camions-grues
références produits
Our highly skilled teams
Throughout its period of expansion, Façozinc has always been able to employ highly skilled staff. The 180 employees of this family business receive regular training in new techniques and the latest technologies in order to be able to provide customers with support and advice at the leading edge of innovation.
Skills and know-how are of prime importance to this Belgian company. Not everyone can work at Façozinc, but those who join the company are happy to stay.
Mission, Vision & Values
Mission, our rationale
We use our expertise to provide
construction industry professionals with optimum solutions
that are both sustainable and profitable.
Vision, our aims
We are constantly on the lookout for
innovations that add value for our customers,
colleagues and the environment. Everything we do
puts humanity at the centre of our priorities.
Our value
We work passionately to make life easier for our customers;
We continually challenge the solutions we offer in order always to ensure high levels of performance;
We foster long-term relationships both internally and externally;
We put respect at the centre of our relationships;
We offer sustainable added value to all stakeholders;
We invest tirelessly in the use of the best management tools and the training of our staff;
We always seize the opportunity to achieve excellence;
We give the word “service” its original meaning in our relationships.
Our brands